Information Statement

The Western Australian Electoral Commission (the Commission) aims to make information available promptly and at the least possible cost. Whenever possible, documents will be provided outside the Freedom of Information process. 

Our Purpose
Our Values
Organisational Structure
Key Functions
Public Participation
Documents Held by the Commission

Our Purpose

To provide all Western Australians with accessible, efficient and high quality electoral and enrolment services.

Our Values

Independent — how we are perceived by others

We act at all times with integrity, independence, impartiality and transparency.

Professional — how we go about our work

We work to the highest standards by being ethical, accurate, reliable and efficient.

Respectful — how we treat others and expect to be treated

We focus on being courteous, honest and fair in all our dealings.

Customer focused — how we deliver our services

We strive to understand our customers' needs, honour our commitments and to build effective relationships.

Continuously improving — how we move forward and work better

We continually review our systems and practices, seeking to remain progressive and innovative. 

Collaborative — how we work together and with others

We build a positive work environment and successful relationships through teamwork.


Enabling Legislation

The Western Australian Electoral Commission was established by the proclamation of the Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Act 1987.

Legislation Administered

Under the Alteration of Statutory Designations Act 1974, certain statutes are placed under the control of the Minister for Electoral Affairs. Of these, the Commission is responsible for administering the following:

Electoral Act 1907
Referendums Act 1983

Legislation impacts all administrative and operational activities and the Commission complies with the following legislation in the performance of its functions:


Criminal Code
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth)
Disability Services Act 1993
Electronic Transactions Act 2011
Equal Opportunity Act 1984
Evidence Act 1906
Financial Management Act 2006
Freedom of Information Act 1992
Industrial Relations Act 1979
Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972
Public Sector Management Act 1994
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003
Salaries and Allowances Act 1975
State Records Act 2000
State Superannuation Act 2000
Work Health and Safety Act 2020


Constitution Act 1889
(Cwlth) Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899
Election of Senators Act 1903
Electoral (Political Finance) Regulations 1996
Electoral Regulations 1996
Fines, Penalties and Infringement Notices Enforcement Acts 1994
Industrial Arbitration (Union Elections) Regulations 1980
Juries Act 1957
Local Government Act 1995
Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997
Referendums Regulations 1984
Guardianship and Administration Act 1990

Organisational Structure

The Electoral Commissioner and the Deputy Electoral Commissioner both hold independent statutory appointments under the Electoral Act 1907. They are responsible for the impartial administration of electoral law through the Western Australian Electoral Commission, which is a department of the Government of Western Australia. The Electoral Commissioner is deemed to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission. The permanent staff members of the Commission are employed under the Public Sector Management Act 1994.

The functions of the Electoral Commissioner are detailed in s.5(f) of the Electoral Act 1907.

The Electoral Commissioner is also subject to the provisions of the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971, but only to the extent of the Electoral Commissioner's functions as Chief Executive Officer of the Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Key Functions

The Commission operates within a legislative framework with outcomes that enable eligible Western Australian electors to participate in impartial democratic elections or referenda conducted by the Commission. 

The core functions of the Commission include:

  1. planning, conducting and evaluating elections and referenda, including parliamentary (State government) and non-parliamentary (local government and other) elections
  2. managing electoral education and information, to encourage and promote community awareness and understanding
  3. maintaining the State Electoral Roll.

In addition we provide other services, which include:

  • providing roll products, maps and publications
  • promoting, funding and conducting research into electoral matters
  • assisting in distribution of electoral boundaries
  • providing an advisory service to customers on electoral matters
  • administering political party registrations
  • administering the disclosure of gifts, income and expenditure by political parties and associated entities.

Further information can be found in our Strategic Plan and Annual Report.

Public Participation

The Commission offers its customers and other stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback about the goods and services that it provides. Anyone wishing to provide feedback can contact the Commission.

Feedback is also sought from electors and stakeholders at election time, via surveys and/or focus groups.

Ongoing stakeholder relationships provide many opportunities for public consultation and feedback on the performance of agency functions. This can include, for example, partnerships with government agencies, local governments, community organisations and other stakeholders.

Documents Held by the Commission

The following publications and/or information is available:

The Commission's publications are also available from the State Library of Western Australia (also known as the Library and Information Service of WA). 

Types of Non-Public Information Held by the Commission

The Commission is required to keep full and accurate records, and to implement and maintain records management programs in accordance with standards of best practice as issued by the State Records Office of Western Australia (SRO). 

Non-public information may include, but is not limited to procedural, accounting, human resource and other documents in the form of files, correspondence, reports, notes, memos, returns, and maps that come into being as a result of, or arise in connection with doing our business.

The Commission also has numerous internal manuals corresponding to the various activities undertaken by Commission staff. 

Internal documents may be made available to the public upon application. It is possible that some documents may be partly or wholly exempt. In this case, the exempt material will be removed prior to the document being made available.