Making an Application


Members of the public may submit formal Freedom of Information (FOI) applications for documents held by the Commission, which are not publicly available.

Applications must be made in writing and addressed to the ‘Freedom of Information Coordinator’. You will need to include:

  • enough detail to identify the requested documents
  • an Australian address for correspondence, and where possible, a contact telephone number
  • payment for the $30 application fee (non personal information applications only)

Applications will be acknowledged in writing and you will be notified of the decision within 45 days.

Contact the Commission

Processing Applications

FOI applications or general enquiries are managed by our FOI Coordinator. Branch managers who have responsibility for the information being sought may also be involved in making decisions regarding applications.

Fees and Charges

The rate of fees and charges are set under the Freedom of Information Act 1992. Apart from the application fee for non-personal information, all charges are discretionary.


Application for personal information about the applicant No fee
Application for non-personal information $30.00

Charges (per hour, or pro rata)

Processing of application $30.00
Supervised access time $30.00
Transcription $30.00

Other costs

Photocopied documents (per sheet) $0.20
Copies of tape, film or electronic content Actual cost
Postage (including packaging) Actual cost

Notice of Decision

You will be provided with a notice of decision as soon as possible, within 45 days of the application being received. The notice will include details such as:

  • the date on which the decision was made
  • the name and the designation of the officer who made the decision
  • if the document is an exempt document, the reasons for classifying the matter exempt; or if access can be given to an edited document
  • information on the right to review and the procedures to be followed to exercise those rights.

Refusal of Access

Applicants who are dissatisfied with a decision made by the agency are entitled to ask for an internal review by the agency. Applications should be made in writing within 30 days of receiving notice of the decision.

You will be notified of the outcome of the review within 15 days.

If you disagree with the result you then can apply to the Information Commissioner for an external review. You will be provided with more information on this process when the internal review decision is issued.