
Voting is an important part of Western Australia’s democratic system and election time gives the community the opportunity to have their say.

The Commission aims to make it as convenient as possible for electors to vote. This can include early voting options, assistive services and help with understanding the voting system in Western Australia.

Before election day

With State elections, electors are able to vote in advance of polling day by either applying for a postal vote or attending an early voting centre in person.

Elector assistance

A range of assistive tools are available at polling places to assist electors with a specific need to cast their vote. These are publicised at each major electoral event.

Voting in Western Australia

Voting is compulsory at State elections, by-elections and referenda in Western Australia for enrolled electors. Find out more about voting in Western Australia, including how to mark your ballot papers, the voting systems used in Western Australia and what happens if you fail to vote.

Local government elections

Local government elections administered by the Commission are typically conducted by post. With postal elections, all enrolled electors are sent a postal voting package approximately two weeks before polling day. For more information, see local government enrolment.

Occasionally, local governments will request the Commission to conduct an election in person, where electors vote at a polling place on polling day. For polling place locations, contact your local government.