Your voting options in the 2025 State election

Early voting (in person)

Early in-person voting is available for the 2025 State election from Monday 24 February to Friday 7 March (the day before election day) for all voters that are eligible to vote in the State election. Most early polling places operate Monday to Saturday and are closed on Sundays. Early voting will not be available on the Labor Day public holiday (Monday 3 March).

Early voting locations will be published to the Commission’ s website in February.

Postal voting 

Postal voting is available for the 2025 State election.

You can apply for a postal vote: 

  • Online – Generally the fastest way to apply 
  • Complete an application form – Download a form online or request a paper form to be mailed to you. Return your completed form to the WA Electoral Commission by email, post or in person

Applications open Friday 3 January 2025. 

Learn more about postal voting at Postal voting | Western Australian Electoral Commission

Voting by post at every election

In some circumstances, you may be eligible to apply for registration as a general early voter. This means that ballot papers are automatically sent to you (by post) after an election has been announced and ballot papers have been printed.

An elector can apply to be registered as a general postal voter if the elector:

  • lives more than 20 kilometres by the nearest practicable route from the nearest polling place
  • is a patient in a hospital or similar institution
  • due to serious personal illness is physically unable to travel to a polling place
  • is caring for a person who is seriously ill or infirm
  • is aged 70 years or over
  • is registered as an overseas elector
  • is registered as a silent elector or
  • is an elector who because of religious beliefs, or membership of a religious order is precluded from attending a polling place for all or most of the hours of polling.

Register online or download a form to become a general postal voter (external link)

Phone assisted voting 

•    Phone assisted voting is available in the 2025 State Election for eligible electors only.  
•    Applications open 24 February, closing 4pm, 8 March. 

The WA Electoral Commission is providing phone assisted voting (voting by phone) during the 2025 State Election to eligible electors who are unable to vote by traditional means without assistance. 
What is phone assisted voting? 

Phone assisted voting is done by using the telephone keypad and automated interactive voice response technology. Phone assisted voting is a secure form of voting. Phone voters will only be identified by a secret PIN and Voting ID. This ensures the anonymity of the voter. 

Learn more about phone assisted voting at Phone assisted voting | Western Australian Electoral Commission

Mobile and remote polling

Mobile polling

During an election, election workers visit hospitals and selected institutions such as nursing homes, aged care facilities,retirement homes and prisons to provide electors the opportunity to vote without having to leave their premises. Mobile polling is only available to residents or patients at these facilities. Staff and visitors can vote early at an early polling place, or at a polling place on polling day. 

Mobile polling locations will be available on our website soon including the dates and times of visits soon.

Remote polling

Remote polling teams visit remote communities that are located a considerable distance from normal polling places to allow people at these locations to vote. 

Remote locations will be available on our website soon including the dates and times of visits.

On election day

You can vote at any polling place on 8 March from 8am to 6pm. Voting locations will be available on our website in February. 

Overseas and interstate voting

Overseas voting

If you are overseas for the 2025 State election, and on the electoral roll in WA, you are still required to vote. 

There are a number of options available to you:

•    Vote at an early polling place before going away;
•    Apply for a postal vote; or
•    Visit one of the overseas polling places open for voting in the WA State election. Details of overseas polling places will be published on our website soon

Interstate voting

If you are interstate on election day, and on the electoral roll in WA, you are still required to vote. 

There are a number of options available to you:

•    Vote at an early polling place before going away (From 24 Feb 2025);
•    Apply for a postal vote (from 3 Jan 2025); or
•    Visit one of the interstate polling places open for voting in the WA State election. Details of Interstate polling places will be published on our website soon

Local government elections

Most local government elections conducted by the Commission are postal elections, and packages will usually arrive approximately two weeks before polling day.