Annual Returns

Annual returns are available to the public four weeks after the required lodgement date, 30 November each year. You can view annual returns summaries by financial year or search all returns online.

Link to search returns

2023 - 2024 Annual Returns

Please note that the following tables are for illustrative purposes only. All information should be confirmed by viewing the copies of the original returns available in PDF.

2023–2024 Annual Disclosure of Gifts and Other Income by Political Parties

Political Party

Total gifts less than $2,600

Total gifts $2,600 or more

Other income

Total gifts and other income 2023-2024

Animal Justice Party1, 2





Australian Christians (WA)1





Australian Democrats





Daylight Saving Party





Democratic Labour Party1





Great Australian Party





Legalise Cannabis Party WA1





Libertarian Party1





Liberal Party Western Australia1, 2





Pauline Hanson's One Nation1





Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (WA)1





Small Business Party





Social Security Recipients Party










The Greens (WA) Inc1, 4





The Nationals1, 2





WA Labor1, 2





WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00






1 Registered political party.

2 The party disclosed under the Federal disclosure scheme and lodged a copy of that return with the Commission. A separate declaration of gifts received under the threshold does not need to be lodged in this circumstance.

3 Those returns submitted under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 are not required to provide this level of detail.

4 These figures may differ to that disclosed by the party in their annual return.


2023–2024 Annual Disclosure of Gifts and Other Income by Associated Entities

Associated entity

Associated political party

Total gifts less than $2,600 

Total gifts $2,600 or more

Other income

Total gifts and other income

Animal Justice Foundation1

Animal Justice Party





Forrest Cattle Fund (Inc)

The Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc





Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd1

The Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc





LPPH Pty Ltd1

The Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc





Perth Trades Hall Inc1

WA Labor





Sir Charles Court Foundation1

The Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc





The 500 Club (WA)1

The Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc





WA Labor Foundation Investment Company Pty Ltd1 WA Labor N/A2 $0.00 $100,000.00 $171,380.00







1 The associated entity disclosed under the Federal disclosure scheme and lodged a copy of that return with the Commission.  A separate declaration of gifts received under the threshold does not need to be lodged in this circumstance.

2 Returns submitted under the Federal disclosure scheme are not required to provide this level of detail.


Previous annual returns

2020 onwards
2022-2023 annual returns
2021-2022 annual returns
2020-2021 annual returns

2010 - 2020 
2019-2020 annual returns   
2018-2019 annual returns
2017-2018 annual returns
2016-2017 annual returns
2015-2016 annual returns
2014-2015 annual returns
2013-2014 annual returns
2012-2013 annual returns
2011-2012 annual returns
2010-2011 annual returns

2000 - 2010
2009-2010 annual returns
2008-2009 annual returns
2007-2008 annual returns
2006-2007 annual returns
2005-2006 annual returns
2004-2005 annual returns
2003-2004 annual returns
2002-2003 annual returns
2001-2002 annual returns
2000-2001 annual returns

1997 - 2000
1999-2000 annual returns
1998-1999 annual returns
1997-1998 annual returns

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